1500 Mb de almacenamiento
10Gb de transferencia mensual
30 cuentas de correo
Panel de control en español
5 Bases de datos
5 Cuentas FTP

2500 Mb de almacenamiento
50Gb de transferencia mensual
60 cuentas de correo
Panel de control en español
8 Bases de datos
8 Cuentas FTP

E-mail Corporativo
Correo Corporativo Gmail
Correo Corportaivo Zoho

How do I cancel and delete my account?
You can cancel or close your website and account at any time. To do so, login to DiviHost with your email/password combination. Your sites will be listed on your dashboard. Click the “delete site” link to delete a website. If you are logging in with a username/password combination, then login, and click on the “Site Settings” link. You will find a delete account link at the bottom right of the Site Settings page.
Can I get my website listed in Google?
Certainly, once you create your site, simply post your URL to Google’s free site submission page. Note: It may take a few days to a few weeks to get listed.
Can I run a business?
Absolutely! Hundreds of thousands of small businesses use Webs for their websites. Whether it’s a simple business site or a full fledged online store, you can do it here. We also offer Premium Services like the ability to register a custom domain name (like yourname.com) to put a truly professional finish on your site.
Does DiviHost offer phone support?
Yes! Phone support comes standard with our Pro Package. We offer email and live chat support options with our other packages, and we have a robust community forum where you can get help from the Webs community as well as DiviHost staff members.
Sitios web
Mb Almacenados
Obtén tu propio sitio web
Tenemos varios planes de diseño web para tus necesidades con fabulosos diseños personalizados, servicio de fotografía profesional y posicionamiento en buscadores.